Buttermilk80's Blog All to the Glory of the Father

Jesus is changing me. How about you?

New Blog

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Though this blog is finished, it is impossible to remain silent regarding the Lord and all His ways.  Therefore I have started a new blog.  Though the new blog is not designed as this one was (by the Lord’s direction and direct blessing), I hope you will find inspiration and direction in the new blog.

hiwaychristian.wordpress.com is the new blog. 

May God bless every soul who reads either this blog or the new one.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

May 16, 2011 at 7:33 am

Posted in Uncategorized

The Ark

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In the building of a task there is a beginning and an end.  No one who builds according to a specific plan keeps building after the plan is accomplished.  A house has a place where it can be called “finished”.  You walk to the park, and there is a time and place where you can say you arrived.

Noah was told to build an Ark for the coming flood.  And it wouldn’t take a scholar to recognize that the building of an Ark did not go on for the entirety of Noah’s life.  There was a final peg pounded into the gopher wood.  There was a final animal which entered the doorway.  There was a final word spoken among them as the Ark lifted from its mounting.  And there were final things done as they left the Ark.  In short, the building of the Ark was a one time task the Lord told Noah to do. 

This blog has reached that point.  The Lord has made it plain to me that I have arrived at the place where His work is completed here.  Through me, He has created what is now refered to as a “bag of seeds”.  It will remain available for His work.  This place is a tool in the tool box of the Lord.  He will direct people here as He sees fit.  I may add to it from time to time.  But the consuming fire to build is over. 

The building of this place of testimony has been an absolutely consuming fire within me.  And I know it was of His doing.  Even as I read back through some of the posts, I’m amazed at the depth of ideas and words.  These words were not mine.  They were given to me that I might leave a place where the Father is Glorified through Jesus, my Lord.  All glory belongs to God!

As you read through these things it is important that you know these are not the words of a man alone.  I know that I interpreted what I saw sometimes.  But the vast majority of the writings are eternal.  And it important to note that these things are not to be considered Scripture.  There is, already, Scripture.  I have no desire to replace them.  It is through the Bible that you too will find inspiration to testify.  But itis  the Living God who continually provokes glorious testimony from His people.

I encourage everyone to write and speak the glory of God within them.  What are we if we don’t contribute to the salvation of men?  And what are we if we do not fight with all we have for the Glory of God? 

With this post I conclude what was begun in me.  I will now live my life as if I had never typed one letter of this blog.  Not that I abandon the Lord and His will.  But this task is finished. 

Father, I ask Your Holy hand to guard this place.  To keep Your work separate from me.  And to Glorify Yourself in Your work.  This has been a magnificent blessing that You have given this poor man to accomplish!  And I am honored to have served you in the building of this “bag of seeds”.  May the peace You had before the creation of the world return to You and Your people.  In the Glorious name of Jesus, I present you this place as it rightfully belongs to You.    Amen.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 18, 2011 at 9:28 am

Vain Superstitions

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We are not called to frolic in the guestimations of the world regarding the Holiness of God.  We are called to join with Him in implementing His will among men.  While men make guesses regarding end times, the “Way”, the nature of Jesus’ salvation and glorification, God remains steady and sure.  He does not shift or change according to the limited understanding of man’s wicked contrivings regarding Holy.  God is.  And it is enough for us to live by the faith He gives each one of us.

Cease your constant wandering and rest.  It is God who works His will in His people.  Do not be swayed by all kinds of foolish words with which man builds his kingdoms.  They speculate about what is true.  It is God’s domain to KNOW what is true.  The one who follows Jesus will lay aside all this foolishness and pick up what is absolute.  God is willing to share wisdom to anyone who will ask.  And He will share this vast resource without judgment of any man’s history or bend toward wickedness.  Only, let us not give in to believing all the short sighted superstitions the world begs us to endure.  Hold firmly to Jesus and the truth He reveals.

Let those who will chase after vain knowledge; knowledge that is puffed up by the mind and wicked heart of man.  It is not the lot of Christians to cave to the foolish of the world around them who do not know the Lord of Glory.

By His Grace.

Allowing Time for Change.

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We all have someone in our life who we would love to see grow in maturity, or experience the freedom found in Christ Jesus, or take responsibility for their own actions, or even forgive an offence.    This desire to see positive growth in that loved one is a good thing.  No doubt, in that desire is found everything “good”.  There are even places in each one of us which might draw that same desire for ourselves.  “Oh, I so wish I could just…………….”. 

Will you permit me to ask a really hard question?   What serious change, or radical change, has ever come upon anyone over night?  Oh, there might be realizations that change our direction.  But the really concrete change (so as to never go back) happens slowly.  First we realize we have a problem.  Then we try on different fixes like a child tries on daddy’s shoes.  And finally we find what we know will solve the problem.  But it’s at the last point where we realize how absolutely huge and difficult change is going to be.

Even coming to Jesus with a problem we find the same three increments: realize, try variations, come to grip with the real fix.  Our lives are slow, yet hopefully sure, steps toward what we know is “good”.  I post this because I see a whole lot of people kind of stuck in a mire of doubt and inability.  I absolutely know that Jesus is the answer to any problem you might have going on.  But there’s an element of natural progress that must be embraced.

When we see someone we want to change toward what is “good”, what are we expecting?  If we expect them to just “Get with the program”, we’re bound to be disappointed.  Look at yourself.  What are you expecting?  Since even we can’t change over night, why do we expect it from others?  And what might the first signs of change look like?  The person we are focusing on, whether someone else or ourselves, is already dysfunctional in some manner.  Do we expect the first signs of wellness to appear void of this dysfunctional behavior?

This is what forgiveness is all about.  Openning the door to the sickness. so that when we see change we are willing to embrace it.   And this is why it is said that Jesus offers the fix to our problem.  His forgiveness and teaching are sure, real, and effective.  Let yourself receive forgiveness from Him.  Let yourself receive forgiveness from yourself.  Offer that same forgiveness to others.  This is the beginning of healing for everyone, even YOU.  Put on patience and love as if you were going to a stately dinner.  Wear patience for yourself.  Love without regard to who needs it.  This is the key to healing from wounds too deep to touch.

By His Grace.

Hey, Look at Me! I’m a Grape!

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Let’s put man in proper perspective.  The earth is the garden of God to raise a crop of people who will willingly worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Often in the Bible we are compared to a crop.  It is as though we are grapes, for instance.  If you have an arbor of grapes, do you wail and cry when you pick a bunch of grapes?  Of course not.  They are designed and grown from your garden to consume them.  They provide something for your body after they are ripe and edible. 

A man of God realises that he is part of God’s crop.  He allows himself to be grown specifically to be harvested.  Harvest for us is the point of death.  It is at that point that God is harvesting our bodies to release the soul.  Ripe would be a term applied at the wisdom of God.  We are harvested when He determines it is time. 

Be careful not to consider yourself as anything more than a plant.  God is, in the end, the One who will decide your use to Him.  He is eternal.  We are the ones who are waiting to die.  That is, to be harvested for His Glory.  “What is man that you are mindful of him . . .”  Worship Him.  Serve Him.  It is for that purpose you were born.  And it is to Him that you will return.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 13, 2011 at 8:44 am

Cooking While Sleeping.

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No one is useful to a task unless he applies everything he has to that task.  You can’t drive a car well if you’re busy texting.  You can’t do the dishes if you’re playing with the dog.  You can’t mow the lawn if you’re in the basement watching football.  And you can’t serve the Lord of Glory while you’re busy chasing after the things of this world.

To love the world is to be at war against God.  Yet to love God and seek His complete will for you is going to put you at war against the ways of this world.  A person must decide which side of the war is best.  God has said that He wins in the end.  And it will be those who have come under the leadership of Jesus who enter the victory celebration of God.  While the world will bow with perfect tears and sorrow, God’s army will enter with their heads held high and with great joy and singing.

For now we see things turned the other way.  The world looks down on those who serve the One who made us all.  But the day will come when they will be the ones to find their eyes unable to look up.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 13, 2011 at 7:51 am

Dear World

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Dear World:

I see that you are becoming upset at the current state of your ways.  You witness happenings around you that you consider negative toward your desires.  One might even say that you are pondering your current plight with perplexity.  You want your way with all things as you have always wanted them.  And you have been duped by the witness of your ancestors.  They have handed down to you a testimony of greed, corruption, idolatry, immorality, drunkenness, lies, murder, and a seeking after every form of pleasure.  I know you’re worried about being able to continue this legacy.  And I know that in your heart you have a deep desire to pass this “freedom” down to your great grand children.

I have bad news for you.  What you are witnessing is real.  Slowly, your ways (as itemized above) are stripping your future from your hands.  You will lose everything you have sought to gain and keep.  And you will shed great tears as your desires are taken from you.  Yet, not all is lost.

I have good news for you.  Jesus stands ready to receive your repentant and contrite heart as you lose your precious sin.  He offers you eternally good things to replace the toys you have invented for yourself.  You will lose all those toys.  But what He offers you will never lose, if you take Him up on His offer.

You are the creation of God.  He has given you a body and soul.  He provided a place for you to live that you might seek Him and find Him and return worship to His Holy Name.  But you chose to desire the work of your own hand.  The door is closing on you now.  I know you can hear the squeek of massive hinges as the Wind of God slowly closes your world around you.  Turn and be healed.   Continue to rebel and die.

By His Grace.

Needless Death, Yours.

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For those who harbor hatred and an unforgiving spirit toward anyone.  We are told that if we don’t forgive we will not be forgiven.  And in the way of hatred toward others, God has demanded that everyone lay down hatred as if it were a branding iron in an unshielded hand.   But you might say, “You don’t know what was done to me”.   I would respond, “You don’t know what you’ve done to God”.  In God’s eyes, there is no such thing as an innocent victim.  We might have been victimized by someone else.  But we’ve done our own brand of damage to what is Holy and eternal.

Since our eternal home is dependent on these two terms, wouldn’t it be wise to consider the outcome of selfishness?   Jesus will offer forgiveness till your last breath.  After that you will be held accountable for your own actions.  Accepting His gift now will avoid a needless death; yours.

By His Grace.


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God’s view of “perfect” has never and will never change.  We are the ones who have trouble defining that word.  And why do we have troubles defining “perfect”.   We struggle with that word because we’ve never seen it.  As He calls us toward His intent for us, let us remember and be assured that God desires what is truly good for us.  He does not leave us alone to figure it all out.  He is actively guiding us into what is “perfect”.  Where most people find failure in achieving what is good is that they take the responsibility of learning on themselves.  They make themselves the teacher.  Again, what does any man know of what is “perfect”?

Jesus walked this world as a “perfect” man.  And even though we might pour over the testimony regarding Him in the Bible, we might still not comprehend.  It is only when we allow Him to become our ALL that we begin learning.  Give Him ALL and allow Him to decide what is good and what is not.  Run the risk of losing it all?  Well yea!  Who knows better what is good, you or Him?  Answer to yourself: Who knows better what is right for me?  The One who made me and everything I’m required to live in, or the one who is limited by skin.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 9, 2011 at 11:11 am

One Liberal Quandry

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I find it interesting how many liberals in America run down Christians for “not giving more to help the world”.   While those same liberals are intent on removing God from every public forum.  How do they expect to have it both ways?  Either you want God’s help, thus His children, or you don’t.

by His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 7, 2011 at 11:45 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Concrete Man

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My feet plod along through this withering wind.

And my body is perched top them both.

There is stealth to my way which few comprehend.

But I promise you now with an oath.

If you’ve met this new that I’ve come to be,

Then you’ve stood near the One who is true.

Though my skin and my words are how you see me, 

The One who gives rest is near you.

I carry His word and His promises strong.

Though the wind around me shoves hard.

He has given me power to move forward headlong.

He has made much more than a card.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 7, 2011 at 10:32 am

The Calling of God (Being a Christian)

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You’ve heard of people who say they are “Called by God” to do something.   But did you know every man and woman has a “Calling”?  Well, Yea!  The first calling you’re called to do is accept Jesus, God’s Son.  Some have termed it “Believe” in God’s Son.  And, certainly, there’s nothing wrong with that term.  But do people today understand the meaning of “Believe”?  Likely not.  Words and their real meaning aren’t very well applied these days. 

When we’re called to “Believe” it means, not only to understand that Jesus is the Son of God, but to put everything you are and own under His ownership.  After you’ve done that, everything you are and everything you own belongs to Him.  He has the exclusive right to do with you and your belongings as He sees fit.  This is what “Believing in the Son of God, Jesus, means.  I’d bet you’ve been told or understood it differently. 

The second “Calling” has to do with those who have given themselves to the leadership of Jesus.  And this calling is what most people associate with the word “Calling”.  Once He has accepted you as His disciple (student and servant), He will have certain tasks for you to accomplish for His Father’s Will.  Now, it might be that He will call you into a ministry or something rather obviously “Jesus”.  But it might also be that He will allow you to keep many of the current trappings you now possess.  Dunno. 

But regardless your “calling” from the Lord of Glory, the calling is a full time and continuous situation.  You no longer belong to yourself, regardless what you want to believe.  He can’t lie and He doesn’t take His calling back.  People might throw away the arrangement between Jesus and themselves.  But Jesus does not.  You will be held accountable for whatever task He has given you to do.

He has said that the “Wind blows wherever it pleases.  You hear it’s sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.  So it is with everyone born of the Spirit”.  This calling He has placed upon you will be such that you will not know what, exactly, He wants you to do next.  This is by design, lest anyone boast that they know the “Way” (Another misunderstood word).  You’ll need to submit yourself to His leading every second of every day if you want to know His will according to your “Calling”.

I just thought I’d clarify a few items regarding what it takes to be a Christian.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 7, 2011 at 9:24 am