Buttermilk80's Blog All to the Glory of the Father

Jesus is changing me. How about you?


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In my dreams last night, Jesus came to tell me I am flying again.  Between He and I this is an affirmation that I am walking according to His will.  We all struggle and stumble along as we walk in this world.  But He has confirmed to me, over and over again, that there is a certain way a man must walk if he desires to please God.  We can do nothing to be saved.  That work belongs exclusively to Jesus.  But when we have received His blessed forgiveness of sin, there is a walk we must perfect as we work with Him.  There are choices to be made.  And it is good if a man choses His will. 

We can walk into a church on Sunday (or any other day of the week).  But the religion of the saved is not one of works for the sake of becoming saved.  The works a man of God in Christ does comes from a very close walk with the Lord of Life.  Billions are fooled into thinking that they are working for their salvation.  Even a great many “christians” are fooled in this manner.  If you do not trust Jesus with your soul and work with Him to accomplish His will, you will be horribly shocked when you meet Him face to face. 

All to Jesus.  All Glory is His alone.  There is no pleasing God the Father without Him.  There is no way into heaven but to do the will of God the Father.  What is that will?  To believe on the Son of God.  To accept Jesus’ sacrifice for your life (your whole life).  And turn from sin in the power of the Cross!  Spill out your willingness to do the works of God as Jesus spilled His perfect blood for the will of His Father.  All to Jesus!!!  Without working the work of Jesus, you work in vain!!!!!!!

By His Grace.     Amen, Amen, Amen!

Written by buttermilk80

November 7, 2010 at 11:40 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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