Buttermilk80's Blog All to the Glory of the Father

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Archive for March 3rd, 2011

75 Worms Saved From Near Death!

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There are differing forms of popularity.  The horrible criminal who’s name gets plastered in all the media.  Yea, he’s popular.  The hero who saved 75 worms from dehydrating on a hot sidewalk.  The media would make such a man a hero.  There’s the great leader of muskrats who brings them to their watering hole each day.  And let’s not forget about the rich man who bought two cars instead of being happy with one.  He’d make the front line news.  All those are goofy guys.  But they’d be popular alright.

But there is a popularity I havn’t given much thought to until lately.  It’s a matter of becoming popular because you’re one people love to hate.  While the whole world is busy trying to get along, there comes along someone who disagrees with the “one world” thingy.  He speaks out against satanism, materialism, the glorification of self, sexual immorality, and more.  Yea!   Now there’s gonna be some popularity goin on there!

Till they find a way to either kill him or shut him up in some deep hole in the ground.

By His Grace.

Written by buttermilk80

March 3, 2011 at 3:32 pm

Posted in Uncategorized